
answers to prayer

As God's children, we know God always hears our prayers. And we know that God longs to give us the desires of our heart. For me, God has been answering a lot of prayer in real ways lately.

God has provided a place for me to live in Lansing. There is a couple at our church who have opened their home to me and invited me to live with them until Ian and I get married in March. We have been praying for months that God would open some doors that would bring me back to Lansing. I've been dying to get more involved at Riverview and now that I have a place to live, I can get involved this fall.

God has opened the door for me to use my talents at church. I am in the process of planning a Spanish class to be taught at church for people who want/ are planning on going to Mexico to serve with Back2Back Ministries. I've already gotten a lot of positive feedback from people who have heard about the class and I'm really excited to be using my gifts of Spanish and teaching to serve God.

And now, FINALLY, God has provided a job interview. It's definitely not a for-sure deal by any means. I don't have a lot of experience in this area either, so getting this job would definitely be all God's work. I'm excited and nervous, but we'll see what God has in store. Even if this isn't the job God has, it's just awesome to see him answering prayer.

This all has got me thinking... if this is how God answers persistent prayers that I can see... how much is he or would he answer the persistent prayers that I can't see??
It makes me want to be more persistent in praying for things that I may never get to see the fruit of... because that isn't what it's really about. It's about seeking and petitioning the Lord, praying his will, and trusting him with the results.

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